A thermographic inspection is an effective and reliable assessment method for evaluation of heat distribution in the building. Infrared cameras that produce thermal imaging are used to monitor and diagnose the condition of the building on a colour map which reveals temperature differences (low or high temperatures) across the surface. Lighter colours mean there is a more intensive infrared radiation and a temperature that is above the normal level. Infrared technology makes it easy to perform remote, non-destructive inspections to reflect temperature differences. This method offers great possibilities for evaluation of the condition of various facilities, components and objects.

Thermographic inspections conducted by City Service Engineering specialists help to reveal problem areas in the building, find out what causes them, and recommend actions to improve temperature distribution throughout the entire object. Thermographic inspection is used to find missing, damaged, or inadequate insulation of the building, and determine the level of efficiency or degree of wear. The inspection process pinpoints sources of critical heat loss in order to evaluate the total amount of heat loss in specific buildings and even reveal construction defects.


  • Heat Loss Analysis
  • Rectification of defects in facade
  • Preventive measures